
The professionals here at Online Backup Spot, led by PCRoger,  have been protecting data for almost 3 decades now, and we know what risks there are to your data and how to protect your data against those risks. We have also spend countless hours helping people recover lost data who either did not have or did not follow our advice.

We have found that:

  • Users lose data every day do to system crashes, malware and even accidental deletion.
  • Computer Backup has a way of not happening unless it is automatic.

Further, if the backup is not stored off-site, it often will not be of any value when the need arises, due to fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc.

Therefore, we believe Online Backup Services that automatically backup your computer to a secure, “in the cloud”, redundant server farm is the best answer for worry free, piece of mind backup and restore of your data.

On this site we do our best to evaluate the different online backup offerings and report our findings to you so you can easily choose the very best online backup solution to protect your valuable data.

Why not start by reading some Online Backup Reviews right now?