Don’t Trust Your Data To Online Backup You Know Nothing About

What Do You Know About Copy?
One of the reasons we feel our work here at OnlineBackupSpot is of value to potential online backup customers is that these vendors seem intent on offering as little information as possible about their service.
To wit: The new Copy Online Backup that is part of Barracuda Networks.
Barracuda is a trusted name with a long history, but on the Copy website they don’t say much about its affiliation with Barracuda, so in essence, they want you to sign up with their service and trust your data to them knowing ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT THE FEATURES OF THE SERVICE!
Why on earth are they spending money to advertise on Facebook when an interested potential customer can find so little information – other than a signup link – on their website?
Online Backup Is About Trust
Yes, it’s true, many people shop online backup services based on price and ASS-U-ME that they are all equally – orĀ at least adequately – trustworthy.
That is NOT the case, unfortunately.
And besides the issue of trusting a company with your data, and trusting them to protect your data and be ready, willing and able to provide you with perfect copies of it on demand is the issue of FEATURES and BENEFITS that you want to be aware of before you sign up for even a free account.
Copy Online Backup Free Account
On the plus side of the ledger, Copy online backup does offer a generous 5GB free account with no apparent expiration date (as opposed to a free TRIAL), and even offers bonus space for signing up friends.
But as far as features & benefits go, that’s it. You can take their word that they intend to make it easy for you to share your files with others, but some are concerned that their data NOT be shared, but to be private and secure. Little to nothing is said about that.
Bottom Line
Are we saying that Copy online backup is not a good cloud service?
We are just saying that we know too little about it to put any of our data their and that we find it confusing at best that these companies say so little about their service other than “sign up here” and will actually spend money on advertising to do that.
Certainly some portion of the public just wants to “click a button and backup”. Our concern is that when they do that they REALLY have protected ALL of their data.
If what you want is a free 5GB permanent cloud storage account, from a trustworthy, tested and reputable vendor, we suggest you take a look at IDrive online backup.